Week 21 – The Present

According The Kolb Learning Style Inventory I am a Diverging Learner. This means I learn best by viewing concrete situations from many different points of view. I am reflective in my learning style, observing rather than taking action. I like to gather information and can admittedly get bogged down in the process. MKMMAThis is why MKMMA has been such a gift for me as it has taken me out of my head and has provided me with action oriented exercises to apply what I know.

As someone with a Diverging Learning Style I also am sensitive to feelings, which is why Davene’s flour story resonated with me.  I could also relate to her need to process the information Mark was sharing with her from a perceptive different then his own.  Mandino’s book, The Greatest Salesman in the World (1968), gave me yet another perspective from which to process the request of being present.

The Past

Mandino states “I waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes, yesterday’s defeats, yesterday’s aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad? Canshutterstock_195699332blame

• sand flow upward in the hour glass
• I call back yesterday’s wounds and make them whole
• I become younger than yesterday
• I take back the evil that was spoken, the blows that were struck, the pain that was caused

No yesterday is buried forever and I think of it no more. I will live this day as if it is my last.”

The Future

Forgetting yesterday neither I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw now after maybe? Canhourglass

• tomorrow’s sand flow through the glass before today’s
• the sun rise twice this morning
• I perform tomorrow’s deeds while standing in today’s path
• tomorrow’s child be born today

Should I torment myself with problems that may never come to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday and I will think of it no more.”

The Present by Spencer Johnson (2003) is another book I enjoyed reading. You may also enjoy this book if you are a Blue personality type because we love to learn through stories.

In closing I would like to share a few excerpts from Johnson’s book…..

It is simply called ‘The Present’ because, of all the gifts you might receive, you will find this present is the most valuable one of all….The Present is not about magic or wishing….When you receive The Present, you no longer spend your time dreaming about being somewhere else….The Present can lead you to many kinds of riches. But its value is The Present book imagenot measure in gold or money alone….No one can find The Present for someone else….The Present is a gift you give to yourself….The Present is NOW.”

As I move into these last few weeks of the course I know I must use my present to create my future.  Not from a place of fear but rather from a place of focused intention.  With my mind clear of the clutter that has blocked my path for so many years I am able to create a WPOA to manifest my DMP.  I am careful to remember that I am not chasing future happiness but rather I am content to be grateful for this moment, this day, The Present.  It is this contentment that will accelerate my progress and allow me to fulfill the purpose I am here to accomplish.

I live this day as if it were my last. 

And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks.”


About tdadams

Living a life of purposeful intent is possible when you understand why you do what you do.
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13 Responses to Week 21 – The Present

  1. Scott Scales says:

    I really enjoyed your post this week.

    I am careful to remember that I am not chasing future happiness but rather I am content to be grateful for this moment, this day,

    Just love that insight. Enjoy the now.

    Be Blessed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mkmmahooper says:

    Beautiful. I love hearing your post?..great review of the eels work. Great perspective and focus. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent Job! I have added The Present to my must read list. Thank you for sharing.


  4. samuelkawa61 says:

    Thanks for the post. In the past I wasn’t able to be present but MKMMA has helped me a whole lot. I will read “The Present” and thrive. May you have peace and harmony on your journey.


  5. Wendy's Master Key says:

    Great blog! I will have to look up the Kolb Learning Style Inventory, I think I may be a Diverging learner also! 🙂


  6. Thank you for a wonderful post. Now I know that I am a Diverging Learner too. Through focus and concentration I am discovering how to change gather knowledge into wisdom.


  7. mkmmapattyloof says:

    Sounds interesting!


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